There is no New York without mass transit
Our extensive network of trains and buses makes possible the greater density of people and jobs anywhere in the country. Great public transportation supports some of the nation's most iconic companies, hundreds of thousands of small businesses, world-class universities, hospitals, and cultural institutions. It also makes possible the walkable neighborhoods, local shops, vibrant street life, and great open spaces that make New York the greatest city on earth.
Economic growth
An effective transit system is essential for businesses, large and small, to draw employees and customers from the entire region. And millions of residents of the region depend on trains and buses to get to work and other destinations every day.
Affordability and opportunity
It's thanks to the MTA that New York City households have, on average, the lowest transportation costs in the nation.
Clean air and environmental sustainability
Transit is the best antidote to climate change. MTA subways, buses, and trains help avoid over 36 million vehicle miles being driven on an average weekday—about 10.2 billion miles a year.
2025-2029 Capital Plan goals
Provide frequent and reliable service
- Install at least 75 miles of modern signals on the Broadway NRQW Line, Liberty Av and Rockaway AS Lines, and the Nassau St JZ Line to improve reliability and frequency of service.
- Order 2,000 new railcars to reduce delays. New cars are six times more reliable than older ones.
- Modernize train shops and yards, including the 100-year old Livonia Shop, to accommodate new rolling stock and accelerate repair times.
... and more
Improve the customer experience
- Make at least 60 more subway stations accessible, bringing the system to greater than 50% accessibility, and serving nearly 70% of our riders.
- Repair or rehabilitate more than 150 subway stations and more than 25 railroad stations.
- Install new fare gate systems in more than 150 subway stations to increase fare collection and improve accessibility.
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Take action on climate change
- Purchase 500 zero-emissions buses and install charging infrastructure at bus depots, with special emphasis on communities with high air pollution and asthma rates.
- Install new infrastructure to improve stormwater flood protection at our 20 most vulnerable stations and yards.
- Protect 20 miles of the Hudson Line that are the most vulnerable to sea-level rise and stormwater runoff.
... and more
Get involved
Share feedback
Help us select stations for accessibility upgrades:
Share your inputUpcoming events
- Open House for the 2025 - 2029 Capital Plan | February 20, 5-7 p.m. | White Plains Public Library, 100 Martine Ave
Past events
- Open House for the 2025 - 2029 Capital Plan | October 21, 2024 from 3p.m.-6p.m. | Vanderbilt Hall in Grand Central Terminal
- Open House for the 2025 - 2029 Capital Plan | November 13, 2024 from 4p.m. - 7p.m. | Queens Public Library at Central (89-11 Merrick Blvd, Jamaica)
- Open House for the 2025 - 2029 Capital Plan | November 21, 2024 from 4p.m. - 7p.m. | Brooklyn Borough Hall
- Open House for the 2025 - 2029 Capital Plan | December 16, 3-6 p.m. | Bronx Library Center, 310 E Kingsbridge Rd